Opportunities to learn about our dynamic and diverse Earth

Nature hikes, workshops, and presentations by Adam Davis

There are many ways to experience Earth's ecosystems. Adam Davis facilitates a variety of nature experiences: hikes that focus on the whole ecosystem, walks focused on learning about trees, journeys that trace water movements through the landscape, and many more variations. He also leads interactive indoor workshops involving nature objects and does a variety of slide show presentations. Adam enjoys customizing nature experiences for diverse audiences, leading expercises aimed at coaching other facilitators, and other kinds of personalized instruction. Please feel free to contact Adam to arrange a group exercise in your area or for one on one instruction.

    Examples of Educational and Experiential Nature Activities Facilitated by Adam Davis:

    • Nature and ecosystem hikes. Sometimes these generally explore ecosystems, and they can also focus on specific themes or phenomena.

    • Tracing the pathways of water through the landscape. These exercises tend to be extremely engaging and enlivening for participants (especially if they are in the field completely or have a field component) as many folks have not traced water through their local watershed. You can meet some of the water bodies we have worked with by consulting Waters of North America: Dynamic and Connected.

    • Tree identification. To meet some of the trees we have encountered in past workshops, see Davis' field photograph ebook about trees:
      Trees and Forests of North America: Volume 1.

    • Wildflower walks.

    • Geologic field trips. To look at photographs of some of the geologic phenomenon experienced by participants of these trips, see this ebook:
      Rocks of the North American Continental Crust: Volume 1.

    • Ecosystem dynamics workshops. These focus on the interplay of processes and entities that exist in natural landscapes.

    • Orienteering and mapping sessions. Navigating in the wild and scientific mapping.

    • Workshops that explore ways of working with nature for health, wellbeing, inspiration, and personal transformation.
For other educational resources, including some field exercises you can do on your own, see this website's source Teaching Resources page.

To find out about nature exploration opportunities happening near you, email adamdavis379 at gmail.com and ask to be added to the email list.

This web page was last updated on 09/27/2017. Copyright 2017 Adam M. Davis.