Photographs and Interpretations of Natural Features from Across North America

Published Resources, Based on the Journeys and Field Work of Naturalist Adam Davis, that can Enhance Nature Awareness and Stimulate Environmental Inquiry

Follow the links to connect with annotated photographs that can help you get a sense of the diverse and complex Earth. Images provide glimpses of nature's beauty and richness, and text and other annotations highlight parts of the earth system and reveal connections between the parts. These published resources provide a sense about how composition and evolution of the earth's crust, tectonics, weathering, soil formation, climate, water movements, plant community diversity, and wildlife movements all contribute to regional character - each ecosystem has its own unique set of geological and ecological conditions as well as a unique mix of natural processes. In addition, reading through these reources can help folks realize that each ecosystem is undergoing change of many types on multiple time and spatial scales. These resources can augment nature science and appreciation courses available through educational institutions and also serve as field guides.

Lab manual and other resources tailored toward education

Email adamdavis379 at for more information.

This web page was last updated on 9/25/2017. Copyright 2015 Adam M. Davis.