Resources for improving quality of life for us, our children, and their children.

As you read this page, our quality of life is increasingly threatened by urban landscape expansion, decreasing air quality, decreasing water quality, increasing storm frequency, spreading tropical diseases, and other environmental degradations.
Links to improve quality of life Ways you can help
Use these links to find out how you can improve your quality of life and the quality of lives of those around you.
- Environmental News Sources
- Simple and Sustainable Living
- Ecological Footprint
- Landuse Awareness and Landuse Planning
- Land Conservation
- Cooperative Efforts to Restore Ecosystem Health
- Population Stability
- Energy Solutions
- Energy Policy
- Food Sources and Agricultural Practices
- Re-development of Abandoned Commercial or Industrial Sites
Follow the link below to go to a list of specific things we can do to help improve our lives and the lives of others around us.

Promote awareness, act responsibly!

Conserve & Preserve

Improve personal and community health
Please email comments and questions about this web site to Environmental Connection Awareness