Inspirational Naturalist Writings
- "Down the River", "The Journey Home", and "Desert Solitaire" by Edward Abbey
- "Sand County Almanac" by Aldo Leopold
- "The Mountains of California" and "Yosemite" by John Muir
- "Basin and Range", "Coming into the Country", and "In Suspect Terrain" by John McPhee
- "Bedrock: Writers on the Wonders of Geology" edited by Laurel Savoy, Eldridge Moores, and Judith Moores
- "Naturally Curious" by Mary Holland
Deep Ecology
- "Thinking Like a Mountain" by John Seed, Joanna Macy, and Pat Fleming. Text of the book
- "Some Thought on the Deep Ecology Movement" by Alan Drengson
- "Coyote's Guide to Connecting with Nature" by Jon Young, Ellen Haas, and Evan McGown
- "The Book of Sassafras" by Earrach of Pittsburgh
- "Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth" by James Lovelock
- "Feeling into the Natural World" by Ashley Price, published in Oak Leaves, Issue number 75
Nature's Gifts, Benefits, and Possibilities
Environmental Movement Literature
- "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson
- "The End of Nature" by Bill McKibben
- "Earth in the Balance" by Al Gore
Landscapes, Ecosystems, Natural Histories
- "The Granite Landscape: A Natural History of America's Mountain Domes, from Acadia to Yosemite" by Tom Wessels
- "California Landscape: Origin and Evolution" by Mary Hill
- "Natural History of Indiana" by Marion Jackson
- "The Natural History of Western Massachusetts" by Stan Freeman and Mike Nasuti
- "Hostile Habitats: Scotland's Mountain Environment" by Mark Wrightham and Nick Kempe
Field Guides and Online Resuources for Recognizing our Nature Friends
- "National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America" by Bruce Kershner and others
- "Newcomb's Wildflower Guide" by Lawrence Newcomb
- "A Key to Missouri Trees in Winter: An Identification Guide" by Jerry Cliburn & Ginny Wallace
- USDA Plants Database
- Photograph-rich ebooks about trees, water, and rocks by Adam Davis
- Online Geologic Maps through State Geologic Surveys (e.g., PaGEODE)
Reverence for Nature Spirits
- "Earth Prayers" edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon
Workshops and Ceremonies
Nature Connection Techniques
- "Listening to Nature: How to Deepen Your Awareness of Nature" and "Sharing Nature with Children" by Joseph Cornell
- "Keepers of the Earth" by Michael Caduto and Josephy Bruchac
- The book "Connecting with the Land: Nature Relationships in Multiple Dimensions" contains workshop accounts and discussion of techniques used in the Connecting with the Land Workshop Series. The book is available via Amazon and its Facebook page
- Let Nature be your Muse by Annette Naber
Traditions, Symbology, Metaphysical Properties, and Magical Associations
- "Irish Trees: myths, legends, and folklore" by Niall Mac Coitir
- "A Druid's Herbal of Sacred Tree Medicine" by Ellen Evert Hopman
- "Ogham: The Secret Language of the Druids" by Reverend Robert (Skip) Ellison
- "Irish Fairy and Folk Tales" edited by William Butler Yeats
- "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews
- "Totems: The Transformative Power of Your Personal Animal Totem" by Brad Steiger
- "The Curious Lore of the Precious Stones" by George Kunz
- "Natural History" by Pliny the Elder
Energies in the Landscape
- Bobby Lake-Thom provides a general overview of Native American work with power centers in his book "Spirits of the Earth: A Guide to Native American Nature Symbols, Stories, and Ceremonies"
- Earth Mysteries by Chris Witcombe is a set of web pages on that include discussions of geomancy, ley lines, megaliths, and more
- "Ley Lines: Early British Trackways, Moats, Mounds, Camps and Sites" - the work by Alfred Watkins that introduced ley lines
- A good description of ley lines with maps on the Ancient Wisdom website
- "Ley Lines of the U.K. and U.S.A." by David Cowan and Anne Silk
- "Gaia Matrix: Arkhom and the Geometries of Destiny in the North American Landscape" by Peter Champoux and Friends
Waters of the Earth: beautiful, powerful, nourishing, transformative, and more
Environmental Issues, Solutions, Conservation, Sustainability, Advocacy
- Links for cultivating deeper understanding of environmental issues, and for finding avenues of environmental service - Enhance Life web pages
Other Resource Lists or Gateways to Deep Ecology