Adam M. Davis, Naturalist and Geologist: Experience and Service Goals

Service Vision
Adam Davis is pledged in service to the people of the land. His vision is that we as a society cultivate multidisciplinary nature awareness that can enhance our appreciation for natural phenomena and enhance the health and wellbeing of currently living and future generations.
Dr. Davis is dedicated to the application of appropriate geological and ecological information to natural resource management, land use decisions, environmental impact analysis, and movements toward sustainability. He provides the right earth science information and analyses required for the next steps in the learning process or in solving societal problems. He enhances the knowledge of how the earth works in college students and the general public so that they can make informed lifestyle decisions and have a knowledgeable voice in community affairs. Davis helps people understand their connections to the land, environment, and natural resources; helping them develop intentional relationships to the land and its resources. He promotes awareness of environmental impacts of our land uses and lifestyles through understanding of cause and effect in the Earth System.

In addition to teaching about the Earth as a system of connected energy movements in the college classroom, he leads spiritually oriented “Connecting with the Land” workshops at healthy living fairs, community events, and various other types of gatherings. He enjoys combining multiple perspectives and techniques to explore integrated, holistic ways of working with nature.

    Areas of Expertise

    • Geological and environmental investigations
      Studying relationships among geological and ecological processes; natural resource and environmental impact assessments; development of environmental quality indices; evaluating sources and pathways of pollution.

    • Dissemination of earth and environmental information
      Briefings to clients; technical reports; newsletter articles; presentations at professional meetings; instruction of workshops and college courses; community outreach activities and materials; web page content and design.

    • Writing and editing
      Newsletters, technical papers, data dictionaries, event descriptions, announcements, web pages, books.

    • Field data collection
      Soil sampling, core descriptions, and textural analysis; hydrologic monitoring (weirs, piezometers, tensiometers); topographic survey; vegetation survey (diversity, density, tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH)).

    • Geologic mapping
      Southern Indiana; Washington DC area; Northwest Territories, Canada; central and eastern Oregon.

    • Analytical skills
      Development of conceptual models; synthesis of datasets and previous work; statistical analysis (significance testing, correlation, multivariate, and spatial statistics); geographical analysis; modeling; causal inference.

    • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
      20 years of experience with ESRI software: ArcGIS, Arcview, ArcInfo, ArcIMS, MapObjects; geostatistical analysis; GPS data collection; DEM manipulation; geographical analysis; thematic mapping; data compilation; programming; additional software: Geographix, MapInfo, Indianamap, MassGIS, Google Earth.

    Credentials and Experience

    • Advanced degrees in the earth sciences

    • Over 15 years of experience teaching earth and environmental science topics

    • Over 20 years of leading nature hikes and field exercises

    • Four years of environmental consulting experience

    • Geochemical, hydrological, and ecological research experience

    • Surveying

    • Database management

    • Project and personnel management

Email adamdavis379 at for more information.