Areas of Expertise
- Geological and environmental investigations
Studying relationships among geological and ecological processes; natural resource and environmental impact assessments; development of environmental quality indices; evaluating sources and pathways of pollution.
- Dissemination of earth and environmental information
Briefings to clients; technical reports; newsletter articles; presentations at professional meetings; instruction of workshops and college courses; community outreach activities and materials; web page content and design.
- Writing and editing
Newsletters, technical papers, data dictionaries, event descriptions, announcements, web pages, books.
- Field data collection
Soil sampling, core descriptions, and textural analysis; hydrologic monitoring (weirs, piezometers, tensiometers); topographic survey; vegetation survey (diversity, density, tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH)).
- Geologic mapping
Southern Indiana; Washington DC area; Northwest Territories, Canada; central and eastern Oregon.
- Analytical skills
Development of conceptual models; synthesis of datasets and previous work; statistical analysis (significance testing, correlation, multivariate, and spatial statistics); geographical analysis; modeling; causal inference.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
20 years of experience with ESRI software: ArcGIS, Arcview, ArcInfo, ArcIMS, MapObjects; geostatistical analysis; GPS data collection; DEM manipulation; geographical analysis; thematic mapping; data compilation; programming; additional software: Geographix, MapInfo, Indianamap, MassGIS, Google Earth.