We can come together in respect and reverence for nature |
Workshop Varieties |
Workshops that Encourage Nature Awareness and that Explore Ways of Deepening Relationships with Nature The fundamentals of this workshop style have been evolving continuously since 1999. It involves interactive discussions and experiential exercises that illustrate and demonstrate basic methods of spiritual nature connection. We learn or remember various techniques and then we spend time communicating and interacting with the sacred landscape. Within this general type, workshops are customized to work with the backgrounds and desires of the celebrants as well as input from nature. Trees and Other Plants The tree and plant workshops are typically custom combinations of one or more of the following: tree identification training; communing and interacting with trees in parks, forests, or wilderness; wildflower walks; working with cultural and spiritual symbology of trees (e.g., the Tree Ogham); connecting with tree energies and essences; tree and plant community slide shows (at indoor workshops); integrating inspirational relationships with plants into spiritual practice; studying and communing with bark, twigs, leaves, fruit, and flowers of trees (with a collection of samples at indoor workshops or within natural communities outdoors); and linking spiritual relationships with plants to the use of them for medicine and nourishment. The content of each workshop is guided by the celebrants, land, and trees involved. Nature's Healing Energies In these workshops we trace healing modalities back to their roots in the members of ecosystems, aspects of the sacred land, and forces of nature. Deepening our connection with the Earth energy infused in each herbal supplement, crystal, posture, or dance technique can help us enhance the healing power. Spirit Energies and Pathways through the Landscape We travel the landscape observing and sensing as we go, learning about the essences of the nature beings and processes that we encounter. We may work with power spots and energy conduits in these workshops and evaluate the effects of the place on human activities. Mountain Alchemy While climbing a mountain we weave a mix of individual and group nature connection techniques into our experience. The mountain is the teacher and therapist. A brief description of this type of work and some of its benefits are included in the article "Health and Fulfillment through Nature Connections". Rocks, Minerals, and Spirit Part of the foundation of the series dating back to 1998, these workshops explore the healing and magical properties of rocks, minerals, crystals, and bedrock type and structure. Following Water Pathways Through the Landscape We follow water from soil to stream to river conceptually, physically, and shamanically. Giving Thanks to and Working with Streams and Rivers Celebrate the power and magic of rivers. Discover how rivers can aid in healing and other kinds of transformative work. See the web page "River Alchemy" to get a feel for the river work that we have done as well as future possibilities. Meeting and Working with Nature Spirit Allies Through shamanic and energy work, celebrants establish or renew deep relationships with entities and energies of nature. Three subtypes of this variety have been taught in succession as a miniseries: a journey to connect with nature allies, a deepening workshop, and a council of all beings. Environmental Issue Awareness and Environmental Service While awareness of human impacts on ecosystems is frequently a part of many of the other workshop varieties, whole workshops have been devoted to awareness of the state of the environment and emotional management related to being present with this awarenss. And while environmental service shows up as offerings or appreciation in other workshops, some workshops focus on getting the information needed to do specific kinds of service. |
News about upcoming workshops is available at the Connecting with the Land Facebook Page |
A general handout that includes goals of the series and categories of nature connection techniques is available: CWTL_workshop_handout.pdf |
The book "Connecting with the Land: Nature Relationships in Multiple Dimensions" contains workshop accounts and discussion of techniques that we work with in the workshops. The book is available via Amazon.com |
Check out Nature Spirituality and Deep Ecology Resources for diverse perspectives regarding our sacred Earth and for a rich selection of ways to work with nature entities and energies |
Check out Information about Environmental Issues and Solutions for diverse perspectives regarding our sacred Earth and for a rich selection of ways to work with nature entities and energies |